Fly High with Cloud Accounting: An Exclusive Look into Our Digital Toolbox
Unlock the potential of modern accounting. Explore the benefits of cloud accounting with Ingenious and take your finances to new heights. Read more.
Unlock the potential of modern accounting. Explore the benefits of cloud accounting with Ingenious and take your finances to new heights. Read more.
Learn how to overcome common business challenges faced by SMEs. Leverage autocount accounting software for sustainable business growth in Singapore.
They say its kind of boring if you stay in one company for too long, and that’s what happened in Ingenious. Staff Years of Service (YOS) Listing Department Shortest YOS Longest YOS Average YOS Sales 8 years 20 years 14 years 4 months Technical 2 years 7 months 16 years 4 months 7 years 8 months Admin & Finance 6 years 6 months 11 years 5 months 8 years 4 months ALL 9 years 6 months The above listing shows the average number of years our colleagues from different departments have been working in Ingenious, as of today, Sept 2021.
Hi Folks, They say nothing is free in this world. But in Singapore, we might be living in Fantasy land ! There s never been a better time to digitalize your business process than now ! A big bravo to our visionary and transformational government, you can invest in a new accounting software for almost free of charge (government subsidy of up to 98%, if u met the criteria 😊). Why our Government is giving free software then? Yes, they want your business to be competitive ! We are living in an open economy a.k.a. winners take all world, whereby
Hi, Ever wonder why most of the high paying job in the IT market nowadays always goes to those gigs who do BIG DATA ? That s because BIG DATA can tell u a lot of useful stuffs, that if u used them correctly, can make your business fly ! So, dun wait liao, see what u can discover from your own company’s BIG DATA. But wait, u must be asking : “Where to get my BIG DATA ?” That’s because u are not using Autocount software la !! Using our multi-dimensional analysis tools, u can anyhow cut and slice
Hi, Below are the 5 important things that you or your sales team must know when issuing quotation or other transactional document to your customers. Historical pricing – Able to know when and how much u sold or quoted your customer before is a very crucial info ! Payment status – Is this customer a bad pay master ? Or his credit limit is over ? Customer special requirement – anything u should take note about this customer before quoting them ? E.g. their preferred transportation method, timing, etc. Stock availability – still got existing stock to sell ? When